Blue Water Seasonal Trolley (June – September)
The Blue Water Trolley:
The Blue Water Trolley, Michigan’s finest transit value, is brought to you by Blue Water Area Transit and local area merchants. The trolley goes through the beautiful Blue Water Area, where two countries, U.S.A. and Canada, come together across the St. Clair River.
The one-hour fixed route, which includes a swing by various local points of interest, takes you through the heart of Port Huron and along the riverfront for a panoramic glimpse of the Blue Water Bridges, the Thomas Edison Statue, and Depot. The starting point for each run is downtown at 331 Huron Avenue on the hour, every hour beginning at 12 noon. The last run departs at 4pm. You can also catch the trolley at the Blue Water Transit Bus Center transfer point, where other system buses interconnect, and at other designated stops shown on the Trolley Map.
Trolley Fares in 2023 are still just 10 cents per person. The fare for Senior Citizens (60 and up) and persons with valid Medicare cards and handicapped is 5 cents.
For an additional fare, the trolley also interconnects with Port Huron’s city-wide transit system which serves all major shopping and industrial centers in the area.

The Blue Water Tour
The one-hour fixed-route, which includes a swing by various local points of interest, takes you through the heart of Port Huron and along the riverfront for a panoramic glimpse of the Blue Water Bridges, the Thomas Edison Statue and Depot. The starting point for each run is downtown at Blue Water Transit Downtown Transit Center, where other system buses interconnect. You can also board at other designated stops shown on the Route Map.
Hours of Operation
Monday | 12:00pm to 5:00pm |
Tuesday | 12:00pm to 5:00pm |
Wednesday | 12:00pm to 5:00pm |
Thursday | 12:00pm to 5:00pm |
Friday | 12:00pm to 5:00pm |
Saturday | 12:00pm to 5:00pm |

The 2023 Blue Water Trolley runs Monday through Saturday, June 5th through September 2nd.
(Times subject to change. Call (810) 987-7373 for schedule information.)
Points of Interest
1. Blue Water Transit Bus Center (Tours start here at noon, every hour on the hour. LAST tour starts at 4pm)
2. Trolley Stop at 331 Huron Ave.
3. Military Street Bridge (1st one – 1833)
6. Museum of Arts and History
13. Seaway Terminal
16. Standard Oil Gasoline Service
Station (1950’s)
24. Raven Café
41. Blue Water Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
44. Fort Gratiot Lighthouse (1829)
46. Old Fort Gratiot Trading Post
47. Double Tree/Freighters
49. SC4 Main Building (1923)
1. Blue Water Transit Bus Center (Tours ends here)
Trolley Advertisers
Blue Water Area Convention and Visitors Bureau
520 Edison Parkway
Blue Water Convention Center
500 Thomas Edison Parkway
Radio 1st – WHLS, WSAQ, WPHM, WBTI
808 Huron Ave.
Raven Cafe
The Robbins Group
330 Superior Mall
Papaya Branch Boutique
220 Huron Ave.